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"Meet & Greet" for those interested in the Bachelor's degree program in Business Education at the University of Kassel

On Wednesday, 26.06.2024 from 16:30-17:30, the Institute for Vocational Education and Training is offering a "Meet & Greet" for all those interested in the Bachelor's degree program in Business Education via zoom.
After a brief general introduction to the degree program, you will have the opportunity to talk to professors, academic staff, the student advisory service and students one after the other in break-out rooms.
This gives you the unique opportunity to get to know the degree program from a wide variety of perspectives and to ask your personal questions.
Join the Zoom meeting (26.06.2024, 16:30-17:30):


Meeting ID: 964 6555 7761

ID code: 099813


We look forward to getting to know you!

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