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3rd WÖRLD joint meeting at the University of Kassel

The third meeting of the joint project "WÖRLD - Wirtschaftspädagogik und Ökonomische Bildung: Lehrkräftebildung und Unterricht Digital" (FKZ: 01JA23S02A) took place on 11 and 12.07.24 at the Institute for Vocational Education and Training. Prof. Dr. Jens Klusmeyer, Marian Thiel de Gafenco and Sina Schadow from the Department of Business Education with a focus on Vocational Teaching and Learning welcomed a total of 31 participants from the 14 sub-projects of the consortium.

Following the successful kick-off event in June 2023, the third meeting of the consortium further deepened the content-related work. In addition to current and planned developments from the "WÖRLD House", current information from the transfer office was also shared on the first day by the broker team from the Competence Center Languages/Society/Economy, Dr. Julia Jennek and Dr. Luisa Scherzinger. Guest speakers Markus Hammele( and Dietmar Hefendehl(HubbS) provided further important input for the work in WÖRLD with their keynote speeches on their respective OER platforms and the quality development of open educational resources. The second day was used to present the results of the evaluation of the WÖRLD House, which was followed by an intensive working phase on the central tasks of the joint project. This offered the opportunity to discuss content and strategy in small groups and to generate new ideas.