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New paper published: Disrupting disruptions
Dr. Ron Berger, Prof. Dr. Ralf Wagner, Prof. Dr. Paul M. Dion, and Prof. Dr. Olga Matthias have published a new paper…Interview with Prof. Dr. Ralf Wagner in the RND: Ikea und die Sehnsucht nach der guten alten Zeit
Prof. Dr. Ralf Wagner was once again interviewed about the Ikea furniture store by RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland. Th…New paper published: Voltage variations
Prof. Dr. Elena Higueras-Castillo, Dr. Katrin Zulauf, Prof. Dr. Manuel Alonso Dos Santos, Prof. Dr.…New paper accepted: Sustainability at Heart
The paper from Prof. Dr. Swati Singh und Prof. Dr. Ralf Wagner with the title "Sustainability at Heart: The…New conference proceedings published: 17th EPIEM Conference 2024
Ahmad Siar Nazer, Prof. Dr. Agnieszka Kabalska, Prof. Dr. Mohammed Salem and Prof. Dr. Ralf Wagner have published a new…Lukas Rode has been working as a research assistant and doctoral student in the Sustainable Finance department since January 16, 2025.
Lukas Rode has been working as a research assistant and doctoral student in the Sustainable Finance department since…New paper published: Food waste under pressure
Prof. Dr. Mohammed Salem and Prof. Dr. Ralf Wagner have published a new paper with the title "Food waste under pressure:…New conference contributions: 32nd Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC)
The Technology, Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship Unit is represented at the 32nd Innovation and Product…EMBS19 - Call for Applications
For all those interested in the EMBS Master, the current 'Call for Applications' is online. The call can downloaded here…EMBS OPEN DAY - 16th January 2025 via Zoom
European Master in Business Studies - EMBS Open Day: Let's talk! 16th January, 2025 14:00 (CET) The event will be…