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Five million euros for teacher training in economics
The partners involved in WÖRLD are researching the design and effects of digitalization-related teacher education and training, i.e. both digital and hybrid teaching and learning opportunities. The aim is to promote the digital skills of (prospective) teachers in the field of economics. The partners cooperate with institutions for teacher and media education. In addition to the network management, two of the 14 sub-projects are also based at the Institute for Vocational Education and Training at the University of Kassel.
The innovative strength at the 14 locations for teacher training in economics and business professions and the diversity of the cooperative relationships were the deciding factors for an in-depth examination of science-practice transfer in WÖRLD. A so-called "WÖRLD House" pools the expertise of all participating partners and ensures the transfer and communication of results within and outside the network. The aim here is "to establish a network of players in teacher training that is unique in Germany and can continue to exist beyond the project period," says Prof. Dr. Klusmeyer, who is responsible for the scientific management and coordination of the project network. Particular emphasis is placed on a close exchange and mutual further training of the partners on digitization-related topics. Marian Thiel de Gafenco, research assistant, is also responsible for project management. Among other things, he will address the question of how cooperation between so many different players can succeed. "It is particularly important for a constructive exchange between the partners to identify and utilize synergy effects between the sub-projects," explains Thiel de Gafenco.
WÖRLD is being funded until the end of 2025 as part of the "Competence Centers for Digital and Digitally Supported Teaching in Schools and Continuing Education" and is part of the "Learning:Digital Competence Network". Around 1.3 million euros of the third-party funds raised will remain in Kassel at the Institute for Vocational Education and Training. A total of 14 universities from seven federal states are involved in WÖRLD.
Prof. Dr. Jens Klusmeyer
University of Kassel
Wirtschaftspädagogik mit Schwerpunkt Berufliches Lehren und Lernen
Tel.: 0561 804 4546
E-Mail: klusmeyer[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
Marian Thiel de Gafenco
University of Kassel
Wirtschaftspädagogik mit Schwerpunkt Berufliches Lehren und Lernen
Tel.: 0561 804 4206
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