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Call for applications: Feminist Spring School on labor and social law

In cooperation with the Hugo Sinzheimer Institute for Labor and Social Law, the departments of Prof. Dr. Brockmann and Prof. Dr. Hensel are designing the Feminist Spring School on Labor and Social Law, which will take place for the first time at the University of Kassel from March 4 to 8, 2024. Under the title "Labor Law Feminist", feminist topics related to labor and social law will be discussed.

Scholarships are awarded by the Hans Böckler Foundation for participation in the Spring School. This will cover all costs incurred for participation in the Spring School. Students of law courses of all semesters throughout Germany can apply for the scholarships. In order to receive a scholarship, an interest in feminist issues of gainful employment is required. Further information on the Spring School and the requirements for participation can be found in the attached announcement, which you can also download here:

The application for a scholarship place is still possible until December 17, 2023.


pdf-file for download here