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05/15/2024 | Research | Institute of Vocational Education

New publication: "Die Entwicklung des pfleberuflichen Aspirationsfeldes. Significance for professional loyalty and nursing pedagogical implications" (Arianta & Dieterich, 2024)

How do nursing trainees in their first year of training develop their professional nursing aspirations and what nursing education implications can be derived from this? Answers to these questions can be found in our latest publication.

Arianta, K., & Dieterich, J. (2024). The development of the nursing professional aspiration field. Significance for career retention and nursing pedagogical implications. In R. Brühe & W. v. Gahlen-Hoops (Eds.), Handbuch Pflegedidaktik II. Nursing didactic thinking (pp. 161-185). Transcript Verlag. www.


Interest in training in the nursing profession is subject to strong fluctuations and fell by 7% in 2022 compared to previous years (cf. Destatis 2023). This trend is of considerable importance in view of the shortage of skilled workers in the nursing sector, which is forecast to increase to almost 500,000 unfilled positions in 2035 (cf. IW Köln 2022), especially since, in addition to the recruitment of trainees, a positive development in the nursing labor market can only be expected if acquired trainees also feel committed to the nursing profession in the long term and see their professional future in nursing. In this article, we therefore explore the question of how the dynamics of commitment to the nursing profession can be described from the perspective of trainees in order to derive nursing pedagogical implications from the analysis of these subjective commitment dynamics in a second step. Following on from this, we place the plea for an inclusive attitude in the design of nursing educational relationships at the center of our argumentation.

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