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Publication published in the European Journal of Information Systems

We are pleased to announce that the latest issue of the European Journal of Information Systems (Volume 33, 2024 - Issue 4) has been published. This issue contains the article "Lawfulness by design - development and evaluation of lawful design patterns to Consider Legal Requirements" by Ernestine Dickhaut, Andreas Janson, Matthias Söllner and Jan Marco Leimeister.

The European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS) is classified as an A-journal according to VHB-JOURQUAL 3. It is one of the top 8 basket journals in information systems, with an impact factor of 7.3 (2023) and an acceptance rate of 6%.

Abstract: The article addresses the increasing pressure to develop lawful IT artifacts due to new policy goals, emerging regulatory regimes, and higher penalties for violations. Lawful design of IT artifacts from the outset is proposed as a more cost-effective and efficient solution compared to adapting existing artifacts to new regulations. The authors present a framework for lawful design patterns that demonstrates its feasibility and benefits using the example of AI-based assistants and GDPR compliance. The framework is evaluated through both an experimental approach to assess its usefulness for developers and a legal simulation study to holistically assess its contribution to lawful IT development.

We invite you to read this insightful article and explore the innovative solutions proposed by the authors.

Access the full article and further details in the latest issue of the European Journal of Information Systems.

#InformationSystems #LawfulDesign #Compliance