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New publication: "New Work as the key to more workplace-based learning? - Promising thoughts vs. actual work culture" (Gierosz & Goller, 2024)
New publication in the Journal of Public Economics
The paper "Read My Lips? Taxes and Election" was published in the Journal of Public Economics in August 2024. This link…New publication: "Duale Ausbildungsqualität: Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Forschungsstand vor dem Hintergrund neuer Bedarfe und Möglichkeiten" (Deutscher, Abele, Festner, Findeisen, Goller, Harteis, Rausch, & Seifried, 2024)
Entgeltgleichheit - Unternehmenspflichten nach der Entgelttransparenzrichtlinie
Am 03.12.24 um 12.00 Uhr referiert Frau Prof. Isabell Hensel im Rahmen des Colloquiums "Recht und Ökonomie" zum Thema…29.November 2024
Dr. Igor Asanov becomes Invited Researcher
Dr. Igor Asanov (INCHER, University of Kassel) has received the honorable invitation to participate as an invited…Employee:in in the sales department of Veli in Kassel and / or Munich wanted.
You can find more information here.Research assistant (TV-Hessen E13) with interest in a doctorate (full-time/100% position) - (Confidence in IT)
Much quoted: Prof. Dr. Stefan Seuring on the Clarivate list
Prof. Dr. Stefan Seuring is once again one of the most frequently cited researchers internationally this year. This is…Award for outstanding dissertation and DITRA Award for Dr. Lara Schilling
We congratulate Lara Schilling on receiving the Science Award of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the…