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Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister is among the top 2% of the most cited researchers worldwide
Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister has been named one of the world's most cited scientists in the field of information…26.September 2024-27.September 2024
Participation in the 19th International Conference on Information Systems
We look back on a successful participation in WI2024, the most important conference of the German-speaking business…Klausureinsichten zu den Klausuren im Sose 24
Die erste Klausureinsicht findet am 10.10.2024 von 08:30 bis 09:30 Uhr im Raum NP6 - 0210 statt. Die zweite…Juristische Fachtagung am 11.10.2024 zur Durchsetzung unternehmerischer Sorgfaltspflichten in LkSG und CSDDD
Prof. Isabell Hensel referiert zum Thema "Kollektiver Rechtsschutz: Besondere Prozessstandschaft und Verbandsklagerecht"…KI-Werkstatt des DGB am 25. Sept. 2024
Ab 13.00 Uhr wird die Veranstaltung via Livestream übertragen: Frau Prof. Isabelle Hensel, Frau Yasmin Fahimi (DBB) u.…Successful disputation by Ms. Katrin Arianta: Staying and leaving intentions of prospective nurses
Successful disputation by Ms. Katrin Arianta: Staying and leaving intentions of prospective nurses
Oral repeat examination for the module "Sales and Customer Management" on 07.11.24
If you want to take part in the oral repeat examination, please register in HIS and send an e-mail to…Oral repeat examination for the module "Marketing Communication" on 31.10.24
If you want to take part in the oral repeat examination, please register in HIS and send an e-mail to…