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New article by Florian Knauer and Prof. Dr. Andreas Mann on the credibility of online rating systems published
Florian Knauer and Prof. Dr. Andreas Mann have published an article in issue 1 / 2024 of the specialist journal…Neue Konferenzbeiträge: 31th Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC)
The Technology and Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship Unit is represented at the 31st Innovation and Product…Climate Postures.
Climate-induced industrial transformations should cause sectors to undergo competitive market sorting into those…Applications for the SAP-TS410 course in the winter semester 2023/2024 are now open.
The SAP TS410 course will take place in the winter semester from 19.02.2024 to 28.02.2024 (no dates on weekends), . As…Stellenausschreibung für Studentische Hilfskräfte (m/w/d)
Wir suchen eine recherchestarke und an der Energiewende interessierte studentische Hilfskraft zur Unterstützung des…Completion of the "Hybrid Intelligence Service Support" (HISS) project
The HISS research project was completed after four successful years. The interdisciplinary project has produced crucial…Summa cum Laude for Francisco Flores
On December 08, 2023, Francisco Flores Taipe successfully defended his doctoral dissertation "Testing the Impact of…The Information Systems team wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
We would like to thank you for the good cooperation in 2023 and look forward to a stable and successful year in 2024.Free places for the block course Cloud Technologies: Cloud as an enabler for business model innovations (Amazon Web Services)!
The block course Cloud Technologies: Cloud as an Enabler for Business Model Innovations (Amazon Web Services) will take…WISE @ ICIS 2023