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Neuerscheinung Praxishandbuch zum Landesgleichstellungsgesetz
Die veröffentlichte PDF-Version kann auf der Homepage des MSGIV unter Publikationen abgerufen werden.New study on e-mail overload accepted for publication
Kern, M., Ohly, S., Ďuranová, L., & Friedrichs, J. (2024). Drowning in emails: investigating email classes and work…Neue Studie liefert Zahlen zu Stand und Zukunft der Energiewende in Nordhessen
Das „Barometer der Energiewende für Nordhessen“ untersucht den aktuellen Stand des Ausbaus Erneuerbarer Energien in der…New study provides figures on the status and future of the energy transition in North Hesse
The "Barometer of the Energy Transition for Northern Hesse" examines the current status of the expansion of renewable…New paper published: Sources of Confusion – Product Differentiation and Market Structures as Sources of Confusion
Malek Simon Grimm has published a new paper with the title "Sources of Confusion – Product Differentiation and Market…Successful disputation of Ms. Manuela Stärk: Influences of professional socialization on the successful completion of studies
The Institute for Vocational Education and Training congratulates Ms. Manuela Stärk on the successful defense of her…Unsolicited application as a student assistant
We are always looking for student assistants. The starting date is flexible. Tasks: Working on interdisciplinary…Date postponement: General safety instruction / electrical engineering
Please note! The "General safety instruction/electrical engineering" originally scheduled for 28.10.2024 unfortunately…The secretariat is not staffed from 28.10.24 - 01.11.24.
There will be no office hours in the secretariat from Monday, 28.10.24 to Friday, 01.11.24.Trusting facts again: Research project on disinformation
"Disinformation expected in the Bundestag election" "Russia manipulates reporting with AI bot farms". Headlines like…