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Event cancellation Dr. Schnause
Due to illness, all courses and consultation hours of Dr. Schnause will be canceled from 08.11. - 14.11.2023.New publication by Sylvia Veit and Stefanie Vedder
The Journal public administration has just published an article by Sylvia Veit and Stefanie Vedder entitled "Measuring…New Conference Contributions: 84th Annual Conference of the VHB
Das Fachgebiet Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement sowie Entrepreneurship (TIME) ist auf der 84. Jahrestagung des VHB…06.November 2023-10.November 2023
Repeat exams in WiSe 23 / 24 will take place on 30.11.23
The retake exams for modules "Marketing Communication" (Bachelor's program) and "Sales and Customer Management"…Climate agreement: When denouncing works
195 countries have signed the Paris Climate Agreement. Not all of them are fulfilling their commitments. In a newly…Event cancellation Prof. Dr. Schulz
Due to illness, all courses of Prof. Dr. Schulz will be cancelled in the week of 30.10.-03.11.2023. A new date for the…workshops and talks for postdocs
Dear Postdocs and Junior Research Group Leaders, There will be a number of workshops and presentations over the next…Neues Programm Colloqium Recht & Ökonomie
Das neue Programm "Kolloqium Recht & Ökonomie WiSe 23/24" ist erschienen! Zum ProgrammStudent assistants wanted
Student Assistant Wanted for the Department of Vocational and Business Education (Prof. Dr. Michael Goller) In the…