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Wintersemester 2023/24
Informationen zu den Lehrveranstaltungen im Wintersemester 2023/24 finden Sie unter Lehre.Reinforcement in the team: Alina Yudakov
We are pleased to welcome Alina Yudakov to the Department of Vocational and Business Education since 01.10.2023.Conference attendance: University Network of the European Capitals of Culture Conference
Glocal Wine Tourism: A Thirst for Cultural and Natural Exploration” by Ralf Wagner (University of Kassel, Germany) and…Participation in the 2023 state specialist day under the motto: "New learning culture with digital media".
Our "DiWiBe" sub-project received valuable impetus and exchange with partners from the Hessian education landscape at…Kommissionsvorsitz Deutscher Juristinnenbund e.V. (djb)
Prof. Dr. Isabell Hensel ist neue Vorsitzende.The sales tricks of IKEA with Prof. Dr. Ralf Wagner
Here you can find the article of the Hessische Rundschau: Die Ratgeber: Die Verkaufstricks von IKEA | ARD MediathekContribution of Prof. Dr. Wagner in the broadcast "Die Ratgeber
The advisors from 27.09.2023 | ARD MediathekDr. Sven Kilian is now Assistant Professor at the University of Groningen (NL)
Dr. Sven Kilian has moved to the University of Groningen (NL). He is Assistant Professor for Sustainable…Research stay of Prof. Söllner at Carnegie Mellon University
Project visit in Munich at the DigiLLab of the TUM