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New publication: "Dynamics of persistence, withdrawal, and dropout intentions in the initial phase of nursing training: A qualitative longitudinal study" (Arianta & Goller, 2024)
Exam inspection KRL
The Group Accounting exam (02.10.2024) has been forwarded to the Examination Office after the second correction. The…The time has come: start of the semester at the Institute for Vocational Education and Training
The time has come: start of the semester at the Institute for Vocational Education and Training
Coaching for students
From procrastination and difficulties in organizing your studies to tangible exam nerves and uncertainty about your…Coaching for students
From procrastination and difficulties in organizing your studies to tangible exam nerves and uncertainty about your…Working student data protection m/f/d in Kassel
Exciting position at GDPC - Dr. Marschall und Blazy GbR also suitable for business and economics students. As a young…Anniversary at our Chair
We're excited to share some great news: this year marks the 10th anniversary of our chairholder Astrid Dannenberg as a…Hinweise zur Mathematik I bzw. II im Wise 24/25
Aufgrund der neuen Prüfungsordnungen können die beiden Vorlesungen Mathematik I bzw. II nicht mehr in der "üblichen"…Lehrveranstaltungen um Wise 24/25
Eine Übersicht der Lehrveranstaltungen, die das Fach Quantitative Methoden / VWL im Wintersemester 2024/25 anbietet,…