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Secretariat not staffed on 08/31 and 09/13/2013 until vsl 09/22/2013.
The secretary's office will not be staffed on 08/31/2013 and from 09/13/2013 to vsl 09/22/2013.Best Conference Track Paper Award
Job advertisement in the subproject WÖRLD
Become a part of WÖRLD! Student assistants (m/f/d) for the subproject "Understanding and Teaching the Digitization of…The research paper "Is a Secondary Currency Essential? - On the Welfare Effects of a New Currency" by Max Fuchs and Jochen Michaelis has been published in the journal "Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik".
The research paper "Is a Secondary Currency Essential?- On the Welfare Effects of a New Currency" by Max Fuchs and…The exam review for "BWL 3b" & "BWL 3: Marketing" will take place on Wednesday, 23.08.23 and on Tuesday, 17.10.23 both at 14:00 hrs.
The examination will take place in room 4007 at Mönchebergstr. 1. Prior registration is not required.Aktuelle Stellenausschreibung für Tutor:innen (Vorkurs Mathematik sowie Module Mathematik und VWL II)
Weiterhin sind noch nicht alle Stellen besetzt worden. Bewerbungen werden gern entgegen gegnommen. Infomationen zu den…Paper publication on the evaluation of microlearning in the journal "Education and Information Technologies".
In a recent publication in the journal Education and Information Technologies, Marian Thiel de Gafenco, Tim Weinert, And…Podcast about the results of the Böckler project "Working fields of arrival
Reinforcement in the team: Verena Pfeiffer
We are pleased to welcome Verena Pfeiffer to the Department of Vocational and Business Education as of 01.08.2023. Ms.…Subproject completion PRONET-D
End of the PRONET-D subproject