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Report on the importance of product samples published in Horizont online with comments by Prof. Dr. Mann
A report on the importance of product samples for the purchasing behavior of consumers was published in the online…ONLINE-Workshop
Am Montag, den 11. Dezember 2023, findet von 14.30 - 17.00 ein Expert*innenworkshop im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes…AIS Academy launches first session on low-code methodology
The AIS Academy has launched its first session on low-code methodology, presented by Prof. Dr. Sabine Matook from the…Successful disputation by Robin Knote
On November 30, 2023, Robin Knote defended his dissertation entitled "Designing smart personal assistants - requirement…Gleichgestellt in der Arbeitswelt? Realitäten, Visionen und Forderungen für Frauen im Erwerbsleben
Fachtagung Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Soziales, Arbeit, Gesundheit und GleichstellungNew publication on hybrid intelligence in the journal "Information Systems"
The paper "A Value Co-Creation Perspective on Data Labeling in Hybrid Intelligence Systems: A Design Study" by Mahei…Reports on lecture by Ann-Catrin Pristl and Prof. Dr. Andreas Mann at the Marketing Club Nordhessen
The IHK magazine "Wirtschaft Nordessen" reported on the lecture by Ann-Catrin Pristl and Prof. Dr. Andreas Mann on the…New publication: "Between trust and ambivalence: How does trainee teachers' perception of the relationship with their mentors explain how trainee teachers experience their work?" (Maué, Goller, Bonnes, & Kärner, 2023)
How does trainee teachers' perception of the relationship with their mentors explain how trainee teachers experience…Dr. Ernestine Dickhaut receives science prize and achieves second place in the DITRA Award
Dr. Ernestine Dickhaut was honored twice for her outstanding achievements at the doctoral ceremony of the Department of…Veranstaltung: Klimaschutz und Arbeitsrecht
Wolfgang Däubler stellt am 04.12.2023 seine aktuelle Studie zu Klimaschutz und Arbeitsrecht vor Am 04.12.2023 um 18:30…