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Prof. Leimeister at the tenth Hans Böckler Forum on Labor and Social Law

As part of the tenth Hans Böckler Forum on Labor and Social Law, Prof. Jan Marco Leimeister gave a lecture on the topic of crowdsourcing and the resulting new form of work "crowdwork". In addition to the basic principles and terminology of crowdsourcing, Prof. Leimeister particularly addressed its application in the software industry - especially in the testing of software applications (so-called "crowdtesting").  In this context, research results on the use as well as on the opportunities and risks arising from this work model for both companies and employees have been discussed.

The event, jointly organized by the Hans Böckler Foundation and the Hugo Sinzheimer Institute, took place in Berlin from March 5-6, 2015. Further information on the program and the event can be found at the following link: Link to the program booklet