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Session by Prof. Dr. Leimeister at the symposium on "Work in the digitalized world

Prof. Dr. Leimeister chaired a session entitled "Digital Working and Crowd Working: New Forms of Work and Employment Today and for the Future" at this year's "Arbeit in der digitalisierten Welt" conference, which was launched by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. In the session , forms of work and employment in digital (project) work were discussed and debated by experts from research and practice. 

In the first part of the forum, the basic terminology and application areas of crowd working were presented in an introductory lecture. In this context, crowd working was presented as a possible future model of work organization in the Internet, software and IT services industry. Building on this, Dr. Thomas Klebe of the Hugo Sinzheimer Institute, as co-moderator of the session, addressed the current state of research on the legal framework of crowd working. The subsequent presentations at the forum provided insights into the topics of digital working and  crowd working from different perspectives: the perspective of companies, of intermediary crowdsourcing platforms, and of employees and employee representatives. This enabled an open discourse on the forms of digital working such as crowd working, but also on the opportunities and challenges associated with these concepts with different stakeholders.