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zfbf article "Factors influencing the use of cloud storage services" by Lysann Gebauer, Michael Marcin Gierczak, Matthias Söllner and Jan Marco Leimeister published

The current issue of Schmalenbach's Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung (zfbf) features the article "Factors influencing the use of cloud storage services" by Lysann Gebauer, Michael Marcin Gierczak, Matthias Söllner and Jan Marco Leimeister. The project on which this paper is based was developed as part of the project Value4Cloud (funding code:01MD11044) and funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) as part of the technology program Trusted Cloud . Further information on the project can be found at: The following is the abstract of the article.

Gebauer, L.; Gierczak, M. M.; Söllner, M. & Leimeister, J. M. (2015): Factors influencing the use of cloud storage services. In: Journal of Business Research (zfbf) / September 2015, Volume 67, Issue 3, pp. 367-407.

Abstract: According to the IS Success Model, usage and usage intentions are central to the success of information systems (DeLone and McLean 1992, 2003). Especially for cloud computing services, commercial success depends on their usage, as many are based on usage-based pricing models. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to investigate, using a selected cloud storage service as an example, which factors influence their current usage as well as future usage intentions. For this purpose, an explanatory model was developed based on literature and evaluated on the data of 145 respondents using variance-based structural equation modeling and the analysis software SmartPLS. The evaluation essentially shows that usage is influenced by the degree of habitual behavioral execution and future usage intention is influenced by perceived usefulness.

Keywords: cloud computing; cloud storage service; IT usage; usage intention; structural equation modeling.