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Dr. Peters for focus group meeting of BMAS in Berlin

Dr. Christoph Peters, research group and project leader at the Department of Information Systems at the University of Kassel, represented the Department of Information Systems at the inaugural meeting of the "Employment and Continuing Education" focus group in Berlin on April 8, 2016, at the invitation of the German Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS). This body, which includes experts from all over Germany from the fields of society, trade unions, administration, business, and science, addresses current developments in the area of employment and continuing education and their implications in the context of digital work.

At the first meeting on April 8, 2016, the focus was on various employment scenarios arising as a result of digital structural change and their consequences for the continuing education needs of companies and employees, as well as success factors for in-company continuing education. The focus group will meet twice more in the coming months, preparing in particular a contribution for the National IT Summit 2016, which will be held in Saarbrücken in November.