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Department of Information Systems at Transfer Conference Project "Challenge Cloud and Crowd" in Munich

On March 21, 2017, the 1st Transfer Conference of the project"Challenge Cloud and Crowd - Shaping New Organizational Concepts for Services Sustainably" funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) took place at the Literaturhaus in Munich. With 182 registered participants, including from trade unions, politics, business and science, this conference served to exchange initial findings since the project kick-off.

The Department of Information Systems was also represented at this conference as one of the six partners of this project. Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeistern tookpart in the conference together with Karl-Heinz Brandl (Area Manager ver.di), Prof. Dr. Andreas Boes (Member of the Board ISF Munich), Vanessa Barth (Area Manager IG Metall) and Dr. Rainer Kallenbach (CEO Bosch Software Innovation GmbH) took part in the central panel discussion "Digital upheaval - challenges for the world of work in the future". Dr. Christoph Peters chairedand presented the sub-project workshop "Crowdsourcing platforms as innovative service systems".

These program items were preceded by, among other things, an address by Dr. Otto Fritz Bode, Head of Division at the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), as well as keynotes by Eva Zauke, Development Executive LoB Digital Assets & IoT at SAP SE, and Dr. Rainer Kallenbach, CEO of Bosch Software Innovations GmbH.