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Research Talk by Andreas Janson at the J. Mack Robinson College of Business at Georgia State University on the topic of appropriation processes of information systems.

As part of his research stay at the Department of Computer Information Systems (CIS) at the J. Mack Robinson College of Business at Georgia State University, Andreas Janson gave a talk entitled: "How They Work Together - A Theory of Collaborative Learning Appropriation" on Sept. 8, 2017. 

From the end of July to September 2017, Andreas Janson was a visiting scholar at the Institute for Insight and the Department of Computer Information Systems ( at the J. Mack Robinson College of Business at Georgia State University (Atlanta, GA, USA) at the invitation of Abhay Mishra. Here, he conducted research around the topics of appropriation processes of information systems and theory-driven design of IT-supported teaching innovations, among others. In addition, Prof. Dr. Matthias Söllner, also at the invitation of Abhay Mishra, visited Georgia State University as part of the Academy of Management Meeting, which took place this year in Atlanta. 

Georgia State University is a research-intensive university (highest Carnegie ranking: R1) and among the five most innovative universities in the USA ( The CIS Department consistently ranks among the top 5 universities worldwide in research productivity (based on publications in the VHB JOURQUAL A* journals MISQ and ISR). In addition, the "Association for Information Systems" as the most important association of international information systems researchers and practitioners as well as the top international conference "International Conference for Information Systems" are organizationally anchored in the CIS Department.