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Paper by Ivo Blohm, Christoph Riedl, Johann Füller and Jan Marco Leimeister nominated for Best Paper Award of the VHB

The Association of University Teachers of Business Administration e. V. (VHB) awards prizes every year for remarkable international publications or innovative textbook publications. In particular, papers with an international orientation published in prestigious peer-reviewed journals are considered. 

 The paper jointly published by Ivo Blohm, Christoph  Riedl, Johann Füller and Jan Marco Leimeister "Rate or Trade? Identifying Winning Ideas in Open Idea Sourcing" has now been nominated for the Best Paper Award of the VHB this year. The decision on the winners will be made by the advisory board in March, and the awards will be presented at the VHB annual conference , May 23-25 at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg. 

The nominated paper has been published in the international TOP journal"Information Systems Research (ISR)". ISR is one of the two highest ranked journals in the field of Information Systems and leads as an A+ journal among others the VHB-Jourqual 3 subrating for the field of Information Systems.

Attached is the link to the paper nominated for VHB's Best Paper award in the journal "Information Systems Research(ISR)":