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Team Leimeister again well represented at national & international conferences

The team of the Department of Information Systems (Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister) of the University of Kassel was also well represented in the 1st half of 2018 at further national and international Information Systems / Wirtschaftsinformatik. For example, from March 6-9, 2018 at the Multiconference on Information Systems(MKWI) in Lüneburg, Germany, and from June 23-28, 2018 at the European Conference on Information Systems(ECIS) in Portsmouth, United Kingdom. The following papers were presented/presented at these conferences:

MKWI 2018: 

  • Buholzer, F.; Rietsche, R. & Söllner, M. (2018): Knowing what Learners Like - Developing a culturally sensitive peer assessment process in MOOCs. In: Multiconference Business Informatics (MKWI). Lüneburg, Germany.
  • Dellermann, D.; Lipusch, N. & Li, M. (2018): Combining Humans and Machine Learning: A Novel Approach for Evaluating Crowdsourcing Contributions in Idea Contests. In: Multiconference on Information Systems (MKWI). Lüneburg, Germany.
  • Durward, D. & Blohm, I. (2018): Understanding Job Satisfaction of Crowd Workers: An Empirical Analysis of Its Determinants and Effects. In: Multiconference Business Informatics (MKWI). Lüneburg, Germany.
  • Knote, R.; Janson, A.; Eigenbrod, L. & Söllner, M. (2018): The What and How of Smart Personal Assistants: Principles and Application Domains for IS Research. In: Multiconference on Information Systems (MKWI). Lüneburg, Germany.
  • Kromat, T.; Dehling, T.; Haux, R.; Peters, C.; Sick, B.; Tomforde, S.; Wolf, K. -H. & Sunyaev, A. (2018): Design space for proactive smart homes for health promotion. In: Multiconference on Information Systems (MKWI). Lüneburg, Germany.
  • Mrass, V. & Peters, C. (2018): Digital value creation through crowd services: New forms of customer support using Mila and Swisscom as examples. In: Multiconference on Business Informatics (MKWI). Lüneburg, Germany. 

ECIS 2018: 

  • Billert, M. S. & Peters, C. (2018): Grinding A Diamond - The Iterative Development of Citizen-Initiated Services. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Portsmouth, UK.
  • Dellermann, D.; Lipusch, N. & Ebel, P. (2018): Heading for new shores: crowdsourcing for entrepreneurial opportunity creation. In: European Conference of Information Systems (ECIS). Portsmouth, UK.
  • Eigenbrod, L. & Janson, A. (2018): How Digital Nudges Influence Consumers - Experimental Investigation in the Context of Retargeting. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Portsmouth, UK.
  • Hartwig, K. & Billert, M. S. (2018): Measuring service quality: a systematic literature review. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Portsmouth, UK.
  • Schöbel, S. & Janson, A. (2018): Is it all about Having Fun? - Developing a Taxonomy to Gamify Information Systems. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Portsmouth, UK.