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Presentation by Dr. Christoph Peters at the Smart Service City status meeting

On Tuesday, January 22, 2019, Dr. Christoph Peters, research group and project leader at the Department of Information Systems (Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister) at the University of Kassel, together with Mr. Dian Balta from fortiss GmbH, gave a presentation on the Civitas Digitalis project at the Smart Service City status meeting at the Forschungszentrum Informatik (FZI) in Karlsruhe.

The Civitas Digitalis project aims to promote the development of new offerings for the Smart Service City of the future in the cities of Hamburg and Kassel and to increase the quality of life of citizens and the cooperation of civil society, business and municipal actors for socially beneficial service innovations through civic participation in urban development. In doing so, they are to be involved as active co-creators of services. 

The goal of the project is the creation of digital and crowd-based service systems for the creation of sustainable and livable living spaces. 

The focus of the University of Kassel is on the active involvement of citizens as experts in their everyday lives. Via the platform "Awaken the Hercules in You", citizens of the city of Kassel are offered an opportunity to contribute their ideas in a lightweight way. Particularly noteworthy is the multimedia, media-interruption-free approach, which allows citizens to systematically develop their developed solutions into a sophisticated service solution and present it.

Further information:

Project website:


Research project website: 

Queries gladly to: Dr. Christoph Peters (