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Cloud & Crowd project final volume published

The final volume of the project "Challenge Cloud and Crowd - Shaping New Organizational Concepts for Services Sustainably" has now been published by  Haufe-Verlag. It bears the title "The Cloud and the digital upheaval in business and work - strategies, best practices and design impulses", has 286 pages and the ISBN number 978-3-648-12473-4.

The publication claims to remeasure the digital upheaval . It offers an overall view of the strategic upheavals in business and work. In their contributions, the authors from science, business, trade unions and associations develop analyses and ideas on how the digital upheaval  can besuccessfully shaped .

The book offers current findings from research, interviews on strategies of international pioneering companies, analyses on cloud and crowd and the transformation of work as well as positions of prominent thought leaders. 

Among other things, it also contains two contributions from the Department of Information Systems (Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister) at the University of Kassel, which deal with topics related to the cloud and crowdworking platforms, respectively:

  • "Cloud, Hybrid Intelligence and Digital Work for the Engineering of Sociotechnical Systems" (Christoph Peters, Jan Marco Leimeister).

As well as

  • "Crowdworking platforms and the digitalization of work" (Volkmar Mrass, Christoph Peters, Jan Marco Leimeister). 

The project "Challenge Cloud and Crowd", funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research(BMBF) and supervised by the Project Management Agency Karlsruhe (PTKA), includes the Institute for Social Science Research (ISF) (network coordinator), the University of Kassel, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU), IG Metall, Ver.di and andrena objects AG. 

The Cloud & Crowd final volume can be ordered here .