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Second Transfer Conference 2019 - "Empowering Employees in the Agile Work Organization" of the project "Empowerment in the Digital World of Work" (EdA)

Due to digitalization, companies must continuously reckon with changes and deal with them successfully. The resulting complex context can only be managed with empowered employees in order to sustainably secure the company's competitiveness. 

The second transfer conference "Empowering employees in the agile work organization" of the EdA project enables you to exchange ideas with experts from science, works council and company representatives and to get the latest insights as well as concrete impulses for different organizations.

Be part of our interactive transfer conference, which is part of the project EdA, organized by the Department of Information Systems at the University of Kassel with the support of the BMBF and supervision of the PTKA .

In a Nutshell:

What:        Transfer conference of the project EDA (Empowerment in Digital Work,, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
For whom:  Responsible persons who want to demand and promote employee empowerment and design appropriate structures for this purpose 
When:        26.09.2019, 09:30 - 16:30
Where:         University of Kassel, Scientific Center for Information Technology Design (ITeG), Pfannkuchstraße 1, 34121 Kassel

The number of participants for the transfer conference is limited. Therefore, please register free of charge at the following link by 16.09.2019 at the latest:

We look forward to seeing you!