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Contributions of the WI department in two new BMBF publications

The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) published two new publications in the DLR-PT series "Vocational Education and Training International" on the topics of "Business Model Development" and "Digitalization". The KoLeArn project, under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister, also contributed three articles to these publications. The contributions deal, among other things, with the improvement of international business models in vocational education and training as well as the development of digital learning offers and the use of video tutorials for education and training.

The brochure "Business Model Development" presents the results of two expert forums in 2018 and 2019, in which the topic of "business model development" was analyzed and discussed in workshops and panel discussions, including bilaterally. The contributions contained therein discuss strategies for developing suitable business models, based on practical experience and theoretical considerations, in the field of internationalization of vocational education and training.

The volume "Digitalization" contains contributions from a wide range of disciplines, such as pedagogy, business administration and other work and research disciplines. The authors attempt to explore and link internationalization and digitization in the field of vocational education and training.

Included in the publication "Business Model Development":
-  Continuous Improvement of International Business Models in Vocational Education and Training (Benedikt Simmert, Tim Weinert, Andreas Janson, Christoph Peters, Philipp Ebel and Jan Marco Leimeister)

Included in the publication "Digitalization":
-     Theory-driven and user-centered development of digital learning offerings and services (Andreas Janson, Marian Thiel de Gafenco, Jens Klusmeyer, and Jan Marco Leimeister)
-     Using interactive videos to develop work process orientation in education and training - findings from the KoLeArn project (Tim Weinert, Andreas Janson, Marian Thiel de Gafenco, Ute Urbon, René Wegener and Carsten Mauritz)

Both publications are available free of charge at the following link: