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Print edition of the new textbook "Service Engineering and Management" published

The Department of Information Systems (Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister) has published a new textbook "Service Engineering and Management - Data-driven Service Innovation" with SpringerGabler-Verlag. It takes into account the increased importance of services for highly developed economies as well as the changes that have taken place in recent years due to the ongoing digitalization of the world of work. After the eBook was already published in mid-November, the print edition of it has now also appeared.

This book by Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister provides a sound and practical introduction to the field of service innovation, development and management. The 2nd edition builds on the proven structure of the previous book from 2012, but has been completely revised, structurally developed and updated. The following topics have been strengthened: digital service business, datafication, everything-as-a-service, platform logic, user and benefit centricity, data-based services and business models, DevOps, agile process models, and agile work and interaction work/service work. Special attention is given to the role of digital technologies and the importance of data for innovation development in services. In addition, user-centeredness and benefit-centeredness are introduced as perspectives critical to success.

The book presents the current state of research and practice in a way that is suitable for learning. It describes a wide range of concepts, methods, models and tools that help with innovations and support the successful systematic design and lifecycle management of service systems. The work is based on clearly formulated learning objectives and is aimed at practitioners as well as students in the fields of business informatics, economics, computer science or corresponding specializations in other courses of study.

You can obtain further information about the book via the following link from Springer-Verlag (you can alsoorder the book here  ).