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Successful disputations at the Department of Information Systems

In February 2020, several successful disputationstook place at the department Wirtschaftsinformatik(Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister). On February 5, 2020, Dominik Dellermann defended his dissertation entitled "Accelerating Entrepreneurial Decision-Making Through Hybrid Intelligence: Design Paradigms and Design Principles for Decisional Guidance in Entrepreneurship". On 19. February, David Durward, Sissy-Josefina Ernst, Sofia Schöbel and Nikolaus Lipusch then defended their dissertations with the following titles: "The Future of Digital Labor - Exploring Crowd Work as a New Phenomenon in Information Systems" (Durward), "Leveraging Mobile Learning through Adaptation to Cultural Contexts - Theory-motivated Design for Vocational Training in China" (Ernst), "Exploring Gamification in Digital Learning Environments - Conceptual and Empirical Foundations for Gamification Designs" (Schöbel) and "Crowd-Based Entrepreneurship - How Crowd-Based Infrastructures Can Be Leveraged to Unlock New Innovation Potential for Entrepreneurs, Customers and Actors of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems" (Lipusch).

Professor Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister warmly congratulated Dominik Dellermann, David Durward, Sissy-Josefina Ernst, Nikolaus Lipusch and Sofia Schöbel following their successful disputations and presented them with a doctoralhat individually designed by the academic staff of the department (see photo of the disputants with the respective members of their doctoral committee). 

After the successful disputations, a small snack with champagne was served, which gave the disputants the opportunity to celebrate this important milestone in their lives in the circle of colleagues, family members, friends and companions and to exchange memories with regard to their doctoral period at the chair. Attached are a few photo impressions of this disputation.