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JAIS paper by Robin Knote, Andreas Janson, Matthias Söllner and Jan Marco Leimeister accepted

The Journal of the Association of Information Systems (JAIS) has accepted the paper "Value Co-Creation in Smart Services: A Functional Affordances Perspective on Smart Personal Assistants" by Robin Knote, Andreas Janson, Matthias Söllner, and Jan Marco Leimeister accepted for publication. JAIS is one of the leading international journals in information systems. According to the VHB-Jourqual 3 ranking, it is an A journal and has an impact factor of 3.103 (2018). It is also one of the Seniors' Scholar Basket Journals. The paper will appear in the Special Issue on "Smart Service, Smart Business, Smart Research" later this year. Below is the link to the pre-print (unedited) of the accepted paper as well as the abstract:


Abstract: In the realm of smart services, smart personal assistants (SPAs) have become a popular medium for value co-creation between service providers and users. The market success of SPAs is largely based on their innovative material properties, such as natural language user interfaces, machine-learning-powered request handling and service provision, and anthropomorphism. In different combinations, these properties offer users entirely new ways to intuitively and interactively achieve their goals and, thus, co-create value with service providers. But how does the nature of the SPA shape value co-creation processes? In this paper, we look through a functional affordances lens to theorize about the effects of different types of SPAs (i.e., with different combinations of material properties) on users' value co-creation processes. Specifically, we collected SPAs from research and practice by reviewing scientific literature and web resources, developed a taxonomy of SPAs' material properties, and performed a cluster analysis to group SPAs of a similar nature. We then derived 2 general and 11 cluster-specific propositions on how different material properties of SPAs can yield different affordances for value co-creation. With our work, we point out that smart services require researchers and practitioners to fundamentally rethink value co-creation as well as revise affordances theory to address the dynamic nature of smart technology as a service counterpart.