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20th WISIC PhD Workshop, September 14-16, 2020 in St. Ottilien (near Munich).

From September 14 to 16, 2020, under the direction of Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister , the 20th Doctoral Workshop on IT, Service, Innovation and Collaboration(WISIC) of the Departments of Business Informatics and Business Informatics & System Development of the University Kassel and the Institute for Business Informatics of the University St.Gallen took place. This time due to the current pandemic situation under special hygienic conditions. This workshop is part of the international and structured doctoral education of the Departments / Institutes of Business Informatics and Business Informatics & System Development of the Universities in Kassel and St. Gallen. This event takes place every six months, and the conference venue this time was the Archabbey of St.Ottilien near Munich, as it was in the fall of 2018 and 2019.

In the course of the PhD workshop, 18 PhD students from both universities presented their respective topics in different formats depending on their PhD progress and status: Relevance Pitch, Idea Talk, Proposal and Journal Paper Project. In addition, this time several post-doctoral students also gave Publication Talks. The goal of this workshop is to advance the respective dissertation project through intensive discussions with other PhD students as well as professors and post-docs. In addition, new ideas and impulses for one's own dissertation project are to be gained through the feedback gained in this workshop and peer groups are to be established through points of contact to topics of other participants.

The topics of the WISIC participants again covered a wide range of research areas of the chair. As it has become a good tradition, joint social activities took place as far as possible due to the pandemic.