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Successful disputation of Volkmar Mrass

On Wednesday, October 14, 2020, the disputation of Volkmar Mrass took place at the Department of Information Systems (Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister) of the University of Kassel (in the large hall of the ITeG and parallel via zoom). He successfully defended his dissertation entitled "Harnessing Novel Forms of Work Organization: Design Knowledge on Crowdworking-Platform Systems". 

In view of the digitalization of the world of work and the increasing importance of the platform economy, Volkmar Mrass deals with the efficient and systematic design of crowdworking platforms including the surrounding work systems with participants, information, technologies as well as processes and activities. The aim here is to be able to make even better use of the potential of this new form of work organization beyond its current main focus. One important insight gained in this context is that, particularly in the case of complex work, a close connection between external crowdworkers and internal employees of an organization offers great advantages and significantly increases the probability of successful processing.

Professor Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister warmly congratulated Volkmar Mrass following his successful disputation and, in keeping with the tradition at the chair, presented him with a doctoral hat individually designed by the academic staff of the department. After the successful defense of the doctoral thesis by Volkmar Mrass, a small drink took place, in the course of which this important milestone was honored and memories were exchanged among colleagues with a view to the doctoral period of the past years at the chair. Enclosed are a few photo impressions of this event.