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Successful disputation of Andreas Janson

On Wednesday, November 14, 2018, a successful disputation at the department of Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister took place in the conference room of the Department of Information Systems:  

Andreas Janson defended his dissertation titled "Improving Processes and Outcomes in Digital Learning Environments - Empirical Foundations and Design Principles for Scaffolding in Technology-mediated Learning "

Following the successful disputation, Professor Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister congratulated Andreas Janson warmly and presented him, in accordance with the tradition at the department, with a doctoral hat individually designed by the scientific staff of the department (see photo). 

After the successful disputation, a small snack with sparkling wine was served, which gave the disputant the opportunity to celebrate this important milestone in his life in the circle of colleagues, family members, friends and companions and to exchange memories with regard to his doctoral period at the chair. Enclosed are a few photo impressions of this disputation.