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Dr. Christoph Peters elected Vice President Membership of the AIS Special Interest Group Service

From December 12-13, 2018, the annual workshop of the AIS Special Interest Group Service (SIG SVC) took place in San Francisco/USA at the ICIS. ICIS (International Conference on Information Systems) is the leading and highest ranked international conference (VHB-JOURQUAL 3: "A") in the field of Information Systems and is held every year alternately in one of the three "regions" Asia/Australia, Europe/Middle East/Africa and (North and South) America. It is organized by the leading international association in the field of information systems, the "Association for Information Systems" (AIS).

Among other things, Mahei Li successfully presented his research project on the conception and application of a dynamic service system model. Also new elections of the Leadership Board took place, in which Dr. Christoph Peters was elected Vice President of Membership of the Special Interest Group Service of the AIS.