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Awarding of the prize for the best final theses

Together with the Deutsche Bundesbank, the Department of Economics at the University of Kassel awards prizes for the best theses in the field of monetary economics.

Together with the Deutsche Bundesbank, the Department of Economics at the University of Kassel awards prizes for the best theses in the field of monetary economics. For the summer semester, Ines Jansen (Bachelor) and Simon Hildebrandt (Master) were awarded, each having written their thesis at the Department of Money, Credit and Currency (Prof. Dr. Jochen Michaelis). The award was presented by Sebastian Geiger (Bundesbank) during the presentation of the Financial Market Stability Report.

Ines Jansen's bachelor thesis on "In search of more speed: DLT and cross-border payments" addresses the question of the extent to which distributed ledger technology (DLT) can contribute to improving cross-border financial flows. To this end, it examines existing payment systems and successor prototypes on the basis of a catalog of criteria it has drawn up and uses it to evaluate the potential of DLT.

In his master's thesis, Simon Hildebrandt compares the eurozone with the Bretton Woods system. He examines the question of the extent to which TARGET2 balances between the central banks of the euro countries are an indicator, cause, or even a stabilizer during an economic crisis within the eurozone. Simon Hildebrandt concludes that in the short term, the unlimited ability to execute net payments stabilizes the fixed exchange rate system, but in the long term, permanent payment flows arise that can lead to an unlimited build-up of TARGET2 balances.




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