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Christmas Party 2019 of the Department of Information Systems

On December 4, 2019, this year's Christmas party of the Department of Information Systems at the University of Kassel took place. In the brewery "Zum Rammelsberg" in Kassel, the chair team around Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister as well as alumni of the department and student assistants reviewed the ending year 2019 together. In addition, this time a "Schnapszahlen" anniversaryof Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister, who has been 11 years chair holder at the University of Kassel, was celebrated. On this occasion, the scientific staff presented him with a self-made book with anecdotes and photos from the last 11 years as well as a cake baked by the scientific staff including figures made by the staff with reference to Professor Leimeister's activities. The program of theevening is traditionally organized by the employees who are new in the respective year, and this time was no exception. After the official program, people sat together in a relaxed atmosphere until late in the evening.