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Exchange with Japanese scientific delegation on crowdsourcing topics

Group picture with the Japanese science delegation (Photo: Ane Mojica)

On Wednesday, February 26, 2020, an exchange of the Department of Information Systems (Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister) with a delegation of Japanese scientists from variousuniversitiesfromTokyo took place in Frankfurt am Main. Dr. Christoph Peters, research group and project leader, as well as Volkmar Mrass, research assistant at the department of Professor Leimeister, presented excerpts from their research in the topic area Crowdsourcing to the Japanese delegation participants and answered their questions afterwards. 

Takashi FUJIKI (Assistant Professor at TEIKYO University in Tokyo), Kiwamu GOTO (PhD student at CHUO University in Tokyo), Shiro IKAWA (Associate Professor at YAMAGUCHI University), Katsutoshi KEZUKA (former professor at CHUO University in Tokyo), Masayuki NUMATA (professor at HOSEI University in Tokyo) and Takashi YONEZU (professor at CHUO University in Tokyo) deal in their research with crowdsourcing in Japan. During the exchange with Dr. Christoph Peters and Volkmar Mrass, they were particularly interested in the crowdworking platform landscape in Germany, special features of this new form of work organization, the political and legal situation in this regard in Europe's largest economy, and forms of interlinking external and internal crowds, on which the Department of Information Systems is currently conducting intensive research.

The interesting and lively exchange was followed by a joint lunch, during which the topics were further deepened and possible cooperation in terms of content was discussed. During their visit to Germany, the high-ranking Japanese scientific delegation will hold further talks with numerous target groups from society and business at .