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Action brochure of the project "Empowerment in the digital working world" (EdA) published

The action brochure"Internal Crowd Work as an Agile Form of Work Organization - Recommendations for Action on the Empowerment-Oriented Approach" by the Department of Information Systems (Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister) has now been published. It was published in the series"ITeG Technical Reports" (9) of the Scientific Center for Information Technology Design(ITeG) of the University Kassel (via Kassel University Press). 

The authors Benedikt  Simmert, Marie-Therese Reinhard, Karen  Eilers, Christoph Peters and Jan Marco Leimeister provide insight into the results of the sub-project "Developing Approaches to Empowerment for the Crowd" of the  project "Empowerment in the Digital World of Work"(EdA), for which the Department of Business Information Technology is responsible. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the European Social Fund(ESF) and supervised by the Project Management Agency Karlsruhe(PTKA). The brochure is also based on results produced at the second transfer conference of this project, held in Kassel on September 26, 2019.

This brochure (Volume 9 of the ITeG Technical Reports) can be downloadedhere  . Further information on the EdA project can be found here.