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AMLE Paper by Andreas Janson, Matthias Söllner and Jan Marco Leimeister shortlisted as Best AMLE Paper 2020

The paper by Andreas Janson, Matthias Söllner and Jan Marco Leimeister published in the 4/2020 issue of the renowned international management journal "Academy of Management Learning & Education" (AMLE) was shortlistedas AMLE Best Paper 2020 candidate by the editors of the journal. The paper is titled "Ladders for Learning: Is Scaffolding the Key to Teaching Problem-Solving in Technology-Mediated Learning Contexts?" and its content deals with the question of how problem-solving processes in digital learning environments can be positively supported by the concept of so-called scaffolding. The paper shows how digital scaffolding concepts can contribute to better learning processes, more effective distribution of cognitive load of learners and learning success.

 In avideo summary Andreas Janson gives an overview of the core contributions of the paper on the YouTube Channel of the "Academy of Management".

The journal AMLE is the core publication of the "Management Education Development" (MED) Division of the "Academy of Management" and is classified as a B-journal according to the JOURQUAL3 ranking of the Association of University Teachers of Business Administration (VHB) (5-Year Impact Factor: 4.784).

Full paper citation:

Janson A, Sӧllner M, Leimeister JM (2020): Ladders for Learning: Is Scaffolding the Key to Teaching Problem-Solving in Technology-MediatedLearning Contexts? Academy of Management Learning & Education 19(4):439-468. doi:10.5465/amle.2018.0078 .

Paper available here: nbsp;