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Participation in the ICIS 2023

Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister, Eva Ritz and Anna Hupe traveled to Hyderabad in India for the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) (10 - 13 December 2023).

Prof. Leimeister presented the AIS Best Conference Paper on Education Award. The award recognizes the importance of research in teaching in the field of business informatics. This award underlines the relevance of educational research and recognizes outstanding contributions in this field.

Eva Ritz took part in the Doctorial Consortium, which offers doctoral students the opportunity to present their research and receive valuable feedback from experienced researchers. This also enables them to develop a deeper understanding of academic careers and to network with other doctoral students and professors.

Anna Hupe presented her paper entitled "Revolutionizing Crowdworking Campaigns: Conquering Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard with the Help of Smart Contracts", which was nominated as Best Paper. Her paper can be viewed at and offers an insight into the future of crowdworking.

Other highlights of the conference included the Senior Scholar Slam and Indian performances during the social event on the last evening together in Hyderabad.