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03/22/2024 | Info | Research

A first milestone has been reached - the brochure of all sub-projects is available

A first milestone has been reached: around 250 completed project days have passed since the first meeting of the WÖRLD consortium project. The brochure of all the ideas and plans of the sub-projects of the WÖRLD consortium is now available.  The printed booklet was already distributed during the participation at didacta 2024 in Cologne and is available here as a PDF version.

The contribution of our sub-project - DiWiBe - Understanding and teaching the digitalization of business and commercial professions - by Prof. Dr. Manuel Förster (TU Munich), Prof. Dr. Michael Goller (University of Kassel) and the project team from Munich and Kassel can be found on p. 32/33 of the brochure. In it, we explain our project plan for teacher training involving the digital teaching and learning laboratory (DigiLLab) at the Technical University of Munich.

If you have any questions about our sub-project or the other sub-projects in the WÖRLD competence network, please do not hesitate to contact the relevant contact person.