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Appointment of PD Dr. Ulrich Bretschneider as adjunct professor

Dean Prof. Dr. Björn Frank hands over the certificate of appointment to Apl. Prof. Dr. Ulrich Bretschneider

On Friday, 05.07.2024, PD Dr. Ulrich Bretschneider was appointed Associate Professor (Apl. Prof.) by the Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics, Prof. Dr. Björn Frank. This is an honorary title that is awarded on application to academics who have made a demonstrable contribution to research and teaching.

Mr. Bretschneider began his academic career by studying economics at the University of Paderborn, where he studied from 1997 to 2003. He specialized in marketing and business informatics. He completed his studies with a degree in business administration (Dipl.-Kfm.).

From 2007 to 2011, he completed his doctorate at the Technical University of Munich at the Chair of Information Systems. There he obtained a doctorate in economics (Dr. rer. pol.).

Between 2014 and 2019, Dr. Bretschneider completed his habilitation at the University of Kassel in the field of information systems. He completed his habilitation with the title Dr. rer. pol. habil. and was awarded the status of Privatdozent.

Dr. Bretschneider's appointment as associate professor is in recognition of his extensive academic work and his continuous contribution to teaching and research in the field of information systems.