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03/04/2024 | Event | Research

Exhibition stand and symposium: Presentation of the "DiWiBe" sub-project in Cologne and Essen

WÖRLD Symposium Digital Teacher Education II at the DeGÖB 2024, Essen

Exciting insights and professional exchange - both are best achieved at specialist conferences and trade fairs. Accordingly, our WÖRLD sub-project 13"DiWiBe - Understanding and teaching the digitalization of business and commercial professions" was very well represented by the WÖRLD House at the didacta trade fair in Cologne last week at the stand of the learning:digital competence network. Afterwards, we continued in the best professional company at the DeGÖB Annual Conference 2024 in Essen, where we were part of the symposium "Digital Teacher Education II" and were able to provide participants with exciting insights into the project work of the WÖRLD network (we were represented here by our project partner Prof. Dr. Manuel Förster from TUM).

For those who stayed at home: here you can find our stand at"didacta 2024" (Youtube link) and the"Book of Abstract" of the DeGÖB Annual Conference 2024.