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VENUS Final Volume Published: "Socio-technical Design of Ubiquitous Computing Systems".

The final volume of the research focus VENUS (Gestaltung technisch-sozialer Vernetzung in situativen ubiquitären Systemen), which was funded by the Hessian Excellence Program LOEWE from 2010 to 2013, has been published by Springer Verlag . 

The anthology and final volume, which was edited by Jan Marco Leimeister and others, summarizes the central results of the VENUS research focus. In this anthology, central contributions of the Department of Information Systems deal with a research agenda and future of sociotechnical design of ubiquitous systems, trust in ubiquitous systems as well as requirement patterns for sociotechnical system design. 

A detailed table of contents about each paper and author can be found at the link below. 
