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Award of smarTransfer at Promotion Nordhessen

 smarTransfer GmbH, a spin-off of Dr. René Wegener and Dr. Philipp Bitzer from the Chair of Business Informatics at the University of Kassel, was awarded 3rd place among more than 150 participants in the nationwide start-up competition Promotion Nordhessen.

The smarTransfer GmbH is training further Dienstleister for enterprise-internal knowledge and specialized in it to identify work-relevant knowledge to document multimedia and make workplace-near available. For example, experienced employees document their expert knowledge in special online tools, which is then prepared in a media-didactic manner and made available online or on the intranet in short units throughout the company. In this way, companies can counter demographic change and the outflow of expert knowledge.

The competition Promotion Nordhessen has been held since 1999 and, despite its regional focus, is open to participants from all over Germany. With prize money totaling more than €60,000, it is one of the most highly endowed competitions and, with more than 400 companies created, has an extremely successful start-up rate.