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Research Talk by Dr. Christoph Peters at the iSchool of the University of Maryland on Smart City
As part of his research stay at the iSchool of the University of Maryland(, Dr. Christoph Peters gave his lecture entitled: "Citizens as Experts of their Everyday Life -How to Facilitate Citizen-initiated Projects for Better Everyday Life in Cities" on July 12, 2017 (for more information, see also UMD's website ).
From May to August 2017, Christoph Peters is at the invitation of Brian Butler and Susan Winter at the iSchool of the University of Maryland (UMD) in College Park, Maryland. Here, he is conducting research in his core research areas around Digital Work and Service Systems, among others. In the context of smart city applications, the iSchool's research focus on "Smart and Connected Communities" at UMD offers many opportunities for joint research, which he is pursuing together with his hosts and other scientists at the renowned U.S. university.
Feel free to contact Mr. Peters directly with any questions: