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Crowdworking platforms action brochure published

As part of the project "Challenge Cloud and Crowd" funded by the Federal Ministry of Educationand Research (BMBF), an action brochure was developed in 2018 within the sub-project of the University of Kassel (funding code: 02K14A071, focus: crowdworking platforms). The associated publication"Handlungsbroschüre Crowdworking-Plattformen - Neue Organisationskonzepte für Dienstleistungen nachhaltig gestalten" has recently been published in the series"Technical Reports" of the Scientific Center for Information Technology Design (ITeG) at the University of Kassel. In it, the authors Volkmar Mrass, Christoph Peters and Jan Marco Leimeister communicate recommendations for the goal-oriented cooperation of crowdworking platforms (as intermediaries) with crowdsourcers, crowdworkers as well as the public, politics and administration.

The action brochure is published by Kassel University Press and can be accessed and downloaded here :