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Project study Solarcampus wins Hessian teaching award

The Solarcampus project course has now been offered at the University of Kassel for 30 semesters. It takes its name from the installation of photovoltaic systems in several university buildings initiated by students in 2005. In recent years, projects running over several semesters have included, for example, the investigation of energy efficiency in the Kassel 1 prison or - in cooperation with Filmladen Kassel e.V. - a 'climate campaign' for CO2-neutral cinemas.

The winners were Prof. Dr. Klaus Vajen, Dominik Ritter and Dieter Kreibaum from the Department of Solar and Systems Engineering, Prof. Dr. Astrid Dannenberg from the Department of Environmental and Behavioral Economics and Prof. Dr. Heike Wetzel and Victor von Loessl from the Department of Microeconomics and Empirical Energy Economics. The three departments will receive prize money totaling 60,000 euros.

Press release of the University of Kassel