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Impulse lecture by Christoph Peters as part of the summer tour of the Hessian Digital Minister

Dr. Christoph Peters presents project results of "Wake up the Hercules in you" on the summer tour of the Smart Region office of the Hessian State Chancellery and the Hessian Ministry for Digital Strategy and Development.

The summer tour of the Hessian Ministry for Digital Strategy and Development stopped in Kassel on August 4, 2020. As part of the "FORUM III: A look at smart citizen participation (Kassel)", Dr. Christoph Peters (research group leader University of Kassel) and Matthias Simon Billert (research assistant in the project Civitas Digitalis) of the Department of Information Systems of Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister of the University of Kassel brought in the keynote speech "User-centered design of a citizen participation platform: an impulse from Kassel". 

The content focused on results and findings from the systematic design of the digital citizen participation platform "Wake up the Hercules in you". The corresponding research work is and was part of the Kassel sub-project from the project "Civitas Digitalis - Digital and crowd-based service systems for the creation of sustainable and livable living spaces 2020", which was supported by funds from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research(BMBF) and supervised by the Project Management Agency Karlsruhe(PTKA). The presentation provided interested participants from different sectors with concrete insights into citizen participation and its design principles. Afterwards, the topics were discussed with the participants together with an impulse from the city of Kassel.

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